Hey, fellow humans. Sometimes it seems like we’re in big trouble aren’t we? Is it just about Covid? No. The world is shaken. Governments, financial, legal, medical, practically every life-system of our global society is being stretched to the limits. Does anyone have faith that we can actually come to the point of really solving these problems and bringing actual Love & Peace into the world?
A kind grateful word, even a kind grateful thought, what to say of a full-hearted prayer can really change the vibrancy of what and how we feel.
You might call us naive but we have complete faith that a unified effort of millions of people creating a Unique Loving Network of pure sound vibration can embrace the whole world and even go beyond to the outer universe. You don’t even need to believe us. We simply kindly ask you to help us. We want to see our loved ones, as well as our entire global family, being truly united and peaceful.
So please join us in chanting this most sacred sound that for countless generations has been a method of manifesting divinity, in the inner and external world. This sound vibration, which ancient texts call a mantra, has this transformational power, acting like the seed of a beautiful tree that eventually manifests sweet and delicious fruits, like selfless love, inner joy, compassion and kindness to all.
So (drumroll)... the long-awaited mantra itself. Because even if it sounds too theoretic please just offer 1 minute of your time and with a little faith join the community of tens of thousands who stand united in their most powerful prayer to bring a real change, spreading real Love and Peace around the world. Please chant this great mantra
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
and be the CHANT you want to see in this world!
Will you offer just 1 minute to join the Unique Loving Network that will collectively raise the vibration of the world at the most pivotal point of time in the history of humanity?